Create a CEC
Background In order to correct an encumbrance liquidated from a PO, PD, or DO document, you will use the CEC (Commodity Encumbrance Correction) document. If the purchase order was incorrectly closed with an open remaining balance you can reopen the ...
Create a DO
Background When you determine that you will purchase goods and/or services from an outside vendor, a purchase order transaction indicates the intention to make a purchase and records an encumbrance of funds. The DO (Delivery Order) document is used ...
How to Inactive a Program
Answer Follow these steps to inactivate a Program: 1. Access the Program Setup page by entering PROG in the Jump box at the top of the FINET page 2. Select: Go 3. Select: Search 4. Enter the desired Department and Program 5. ...
Create an Internal Document
Background · Internal Transactions are used to: Record transactions between and within state departments Make correcting entries Make allocations and adjustments Make payment for goods or services provided by or to another state department. ...
Re-assign documents from a worklist
Problem A document that has been assigned to a specific person for approval, but needs to be re-assigned so it can be approved by someone else. Step by Step Guide To Re-Assigning a Document Select: Message Center Select: Worklist Select the desired ...