Can I manually print an RE? (Printing from the INVQ table)
You can print REs manually from page code INVQ in FINET. Invoice Printing from INVQ Table: Steps to Print an Invoice from the INVQ Table: Access the INVQ table in ...
How do I access my electronic W-2
Please try the following: log into ESS go to the "home" or "payroll" tab click on W-2 Forms make sure the year is in the "year" box click the line of the w-2 click display your w-2 should show up at the bottom of the page
How do I add a billing profile to a customer
Make sure that the entity you are trying to update is a "Customer" since only customers have billing profiles. You can add a billing profile to a customer by creating a CCM transaction and adding a "New" billing profile under the "Customer Account" ...
Creating and submitting forms in Adobe Sign
There has been some confusion for those who may be struggling with submitting an Adobe Sign document for the first time. We have created step by step instructions for submitting a form utilizing Adobe Sign which includes screenshots of the required ...
Is there a query/report I can run that tells me the start / end date and contract amount for a specific contract?
You can use this COGNOS report: MA01S Master Agreement Summary Report to see the begin/end date and the amount expended/left on the contracts, by department. Fill in the details you want to see and click "finish", Click on "HTML" tab (top left) ...
How do I close an RE
Zeroing out an RE does not close the RE and is frowned upon. It only reduces what is owed. The only way to close out an RE is to 1) make a payment on the RE and the CR will close it out and enter the close date. 2) Cancel the RE, but there is strict ...
How do I change my password in FINET
Steps to change your password: 1. Access the FINET Home page. 2. Click: Your name (my profile) on the top right 3. Click: Account Settings 4. Click: Password Management 5. Enter you current (old) password in the Current Password field. 5. Enter your ...
Cancel an approved document
If the payment has not been sent out, you can create a cancellation by accessing the transaction, clicking on the three-dot menu to the right, selecting "Primary Actions" then "Discard/Cancel". This will create the cancellation document in draft, ...
QRG - Troubleshooting why transactions won't process
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction When making and adjusting new expense budgets, the first thing you must verify is if the coding is correct. ...
QRG - Using Excel to query data warehouse
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction To access State Data Warehouse using excel or other tools, create a DTS helpdesk ticket, they need to install ...
QRG - Worklists and approvals
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction All FINET users have a Worklist (WRKLSTC) page, which can be accessed from the home page quick link. The ...
QRG - Using Access to query data warehouse
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) database. Similar to the state data warehouse, you’ll need to install an ...
QRG - Upload transaction spreadsheet (UPDOCS)
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction Similar to the current process of using Spreadsheet Upload (SSLD) to upload documents from a spreadsheet into ...
QRG - Navigation basics in FINET
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Homepage 1. Navigation Menu – Access the functional Landing Page and page links through the Business Process and ...
QRG - My Profile settings in FINET
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) My Profile The My Profile icon in the upper right of the primary navigation bar in FINET allows you to: • Manage your ...
QRG - Inventory freeze and inventory history
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction To assure accuracy, inventories are periodically frozen in FINET to allow physical counts of the items in the ...
QRG - Inventory by Location Count and Date
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction When dealing with inventory, it is important to know the quantity you have and where it is located. This ...
QRG - Creating inventory payment
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction The process is designed to allow the user to enter the quantity on the payment request when the Receiver (RC) ...
QRG - Creating Transactions
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction This quick reference guide describes how to search for and create transactions in FINET. Creating a ...
QRG - Creating a PRC transaction
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction This quick reference guide describes how to create a Commodity-based Payment Request (PRC) transaction in new ...
QRG - Creating a General Accounting Expense (GAX) Transaction
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction This quick reference guide describes how to create a General Accounting Expense (GAX) transaction in FINET. A ...
QRG - Creating a Cash Receipt
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction This quick reference guide describes how to create a Cash Receipt (CR) transaction in FINET. CRs serve to ...
QRG - Attachments in FINET
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction FINET allows you to upload and attach files to transactions. These attachments are treated as an extension of ...
QRG - Approving transactions in FINET mobile
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction The FINET Mobile App is used by managers to route transactions to users (or groups of users) for ...
QRG - Advanced Grid
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction The Advanced Grid allows you to change the view of the results from a Transaction Catalog search for more ...
QRG - Accounting templates
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction Accounting Templates provides the ability to save frequently used coding blocks for use in the creation of ...
QRG - Accessing State VPN for FINET mobile
(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction To access the FINET Mobile App on your State-issued device, you’ll first need to connect to the State VPN ...
How do I cancel a DO
To cancel the DO - access the transaction, click on the three-dot menu to the right of the transaction, then "Primary Actions" then "Discard/Cancel". This will create a cancellation document draft. dGo into the draft and add the period and FY then ...
Recording an RE for an NSF check
Here is the proper procedure for recording an RE for an NSF check: Enter one or more accounting lines that total the amount of the dishonored check under your agency's desired accounting string(s). Enter a separate accounting line for a $20.00 NSF ...
QRG - PI Printing process
Description and Purpose Recent changes to the inventory process necessitates changes to the Pick and Issue (PI) printing process. Though primarily the same as in the past, now the PI transaction must be printed prior to the creation of the ...
Error Specified Agreement Transaction is not valid
Due to the new FINET upgrade (9/5/23), new records for commodities need to be created in the UOMV (Unit of Measure by Vendor and Item) table. You will search the UOMV table in FINET (make sure page code is selected) then you will click the plus sign ...
QRG - Pick and Issue with ISSQ
Description and Purpose Changes to the Pick and Issue (PI) will allow much more flexibility in how it is created. In the past, a PI was created from doing a copy forward directly from an SRQ. This allowed a one on one relationship between SRQ and PI. ...
QRG - Inventory by Location Count and Date
Description and Purpose When dealing with inventory, it is important to know the quantity you have and where it is located. This information is available through the Inventory by Location table, or ILOC. It is also important to establish a baseline ...
QRG - Item Transaction History
Description and Purpose Have you ever wanted to know the specific history of a stock item and figuring it out was not easy? You would have to jump around to the various transactions and tables to assess what happened. FINET now has a new query page ...
QRG - BIN Location
Description and Purpose When dealing with inventory, you must know where your items are located. In the past, each commodity would have a location section to enter the BIN and such. If the commodity was placed in multiple locations, then the ...
QRG - Inventory Freeze and Inventory History
Description and Purpose To assure accuracy, Inventories are periodically frozen in FINET to allow physical counts of the items in the warehouses. Currently, those with Inventory have selected to freeze entire warehouses to perform the count. However, ...
QRG - Table Export All Available Columns
Description and Purpose When working with pages that have grids, sometimes it is easier to export the data to a spreadsheet which allows easy manipulation of the data to get the desired results. When selecting Export All. FINET allows you to either ...
Invoice Printing from INVQ Table
Steps to Print an Invoice from the INVQ Table: 1. Access the INVQ table in FINET. 2. Enter Transaction ID of the document you are wanting to print and hit "Apply." 3.Change the print status to "Replacement Pending." 4.Click "Save" on upper right-hand ...
Cancelling a Contract
When/if agencies reach out to Finance Support instead of State Purchasing about cancelling an agency contract. 1. To cancel a State Purchasing Contract, we will need the attached form filled out and sent back to us. The form can also be located on ...
Creating a budget in FINET
What is the page code to create a budget entry in FINET? For appropriations use BGAA For Revenue budgets use BGR45 For Expense budgets use BGE44
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