Attachment file not found
If an attachment is added to a transaction and is fairly large, FINET will create a zip file for it. To open the attachment, click the "download" button at the very top of the screen on the right, not the download next to the attachment (please see ...
I signed up for electronic W-2 but I can't see it
Troubleshooting W-2 Display I signed up for electronic W-2 but I can't see it 1. Go to the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the Chrome window and select Settings: 2. In the search bar, located at the top of the screen, type "PDF" and ...
Can I cancel an RE that is submitted/final
If an RE is Final/Submitted, it can not be deleted. You will need to create a cancellation transaction by accessing the RE, clicking the three-dot menu to the right and selecting "Discard/Cancel". This will create the draft Cancellation transaction ...
Verification of Employment
How do I get verification of employment? For any verification of employment for state of Utah employees, please contact the Employee Resource Information Center (ERIC) at 801.957.9390 or you can fax us at 385.465.6054, or email to ...
How can I see what Units an Activity Code is set up for?
How can I see what Units and Activity Code is set up for? Go to the ACTV (activity) table in FINET by typing in "ACTV" in the search bar. Fill in the "Fiscal Year", "Dept" and click "Search" This will bring up all activity codes for your Department. ...
Error: Modification of Extended Description for this Commodity Code marked as inventory requires an override. (A8590)
I received Error "A8590 - Modification of Extended Description for this Commodity Code marked as inventory requires an override" even though I have not modified the "Extended Description" This particular error has been reported by multiple agencies ...
Where can I find the Finance Calendar
You can locate the Finance Calendar by going to the Finance website: Division of Finance, selecting "State agency resources" drop down then clicking "Budget and accounting officers". Then you will select the Quick Link at the top of the page "Finance ...
The coding is incorrect on my DTS PRC - What is the correct way to fix it?
You should be able to correct (edit) coding in your document without rejecting the document. Please note: if you reject the PRC it will go back to DTS.
I am missing documentation on my DTS PRC - how do I get that?
Please email:
Agency Department Numbers
Dept Department Name 001 Free Revenue 011 Senate 012 House of Representatives 014 Legislative Research & General Counsel 15 Legislative Fiscal Analyst 016 Legislative Auditor General 017 Legislative Services 020 Judicial Branch 030 Capitol ...
FINET User Guide demonstrations do not work
Most of our demonstrations in the FINET User Guide were created some time ago using Flash. Flash players are no longer available so you are unable to view the demonstrations. We are currently upgrading the demonstrations to a non-Flash format and ...
How do I access AM31 and AM65 Reports?
Question How do I access AM31 and AM65 Reports? Answer The AM31 and AM65 Reports are monthly reports that are available through FINET. They are posted monthly and can be accessed by going to Balance sheet and trial balance sheet reports . Select the ...
Who Should I contact regarding my tax return?
Answer The answer depends on whether you have the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Number or check number. If you have the EFT or Check Number, contact the Finance Disbursement team at (801) 957-7760. If you do not have the EFT or Check number, ...
What should I DO if an ICT with an Error is Approved?
Answer ICTs cannot be discarded. Creating a new ICT that will reverse the error and make the desired adjustment is the easiest fix.
Requirements and Criteria for customized document ID numbers
Requirements The default document ID length is 10 characters, but you can do as few as 5 and as many as 20. Here are the required criteria for custom document ID structures 1.) The ID must start with the fiscal year 2.) The ID must be at ...
Editing a Commodity Price after Item in Inventory
Problem A commodity has been billed at an incorrect price, items have already been received in inventory, and may have been issued as well. Step by Step Instructions A purchase order establishes the unit cost of a commodity. The warehouse processes a ...
Delivery date cannot be earlier than the current application date.
Problem When trying to use the shopper table, after adding the contract number and quantity, the error “Deliver date cannot be earlier than the current application date” is displayed. Solution · Click on the “Edit Shopping Cart” at the ...