Fixed Assets
Values in the organization fields are not authorized for the current user
If a user has multiple approval roles on their account and the transaction they are trying to approve has multiple concurrent approvals needed, the user will get this error if they try to approve from the transaction document. This is because the ...
I can't process a Fixed Asset Transaction because more than one component is marked as the base asset.
Due to an unknow issue, FINET has marked multiple components of a single Fixed Asset as the base asset. However, there can be only ONE base asset. This will stop you from being able process FM, FI, FT and FD transactions on the Fixed Asset Number. To ...
No entry found in ADNT table for provided Doc Prefix, Doc Code, Dept Code and FY (A3776)
Error No entry found in ADNT table for provided Doc Prefix, Doc Code, Dept Code and FY (A3776) Solution Auto numbering has not been set-up for the Prefix Doc Code, Dept and FY you requested. Send an email to requesting the ...
Unique key constraint violated for data in fields change ID (A245)
Error Unique key constraint violated for data in fields change ID (A245) Solution This error message is the result of having a duplicate ELCID in the system. Find the ELCID already in the table.