Cash Receipt for vendor refund entered as a positive expense, causing double posting to a budget
Vendor returned funds; the refund was recorded as a negative expense on a Cash Receipt (CR) and now the CR is showing a positive expense causing it to hit the budget twice. Solution: Modify the CR to change the dollar amount in the CR to positive ...
How do I get access to FINDER?
Use the FISA 9 form for a new FINDER account request. Please return the completed form to (which is also noted on the form).
How do I know what type of transaction I should use to pay an invoice?
How do I know what type of transaction I should use to pay an invoice?
Where or how can I get a list of units and program codes combination for our Department?
Where or how can I get a list of units and program codes combination for our Department? You can view Valid Unit Program Combinations by searching page code VUPROG then adding the FY and Department then Search. This will bring up all Unit Program ...
A1677 The referenced and referencing amount must have the same sign.
The error states a negative amount cannot be used on a Purchase Request Commodity Based (PRC) transaction if the Purchase Order does not also have a negative (not likely). If the Vendor has issued a credit, the user will need to: If payment has not ...
A2293 Entered Components are not matching with the Registry Components
Issue: Agencies sometimes receive a component error when they try to process an FD to remove only a single component from a fixed asset with multiple components. They have tried auto apply and have verified the component is not a base asset when ...
Labor Plus Query
Labor Plus is a link within the Online Accounting Journal query. If you have accesss to the online accounting journal, then you have access to see Labor Plus. For privacy reasons, State Data Warehouse hides many vendor names. If you were to add the ...
I approved a CR with incorrect coding, is there a way to reject this document before it processes overnight
Once the transaction is approved, you cannot "reject" back to draft. You will have to create a modification to change the coding. You can do this by going into the transaction, clicking on the three-dot menu to the right, then "Modify". This will ...
Check your tax return refund status
(A copy of the instructional guide with screenshots can be found here: ) Introduction You may have not received your tax refund and are looking for more information on ...
Some employees aren't in FINET
Employee/ Vendor records are set up and maintained to mirror payroll records and should never be modified in any way by agencies (Do not create VCC/VCM for employees). Going forward all Employee records will be maintained by the Division of Finance ...
How do I schedule and subscribe to receive the AM01 report via email
This link provides instructions on how to Schedule or Subscribe to receive the AM01 report via email. For AM01 ...
Deleting attachments on Finalized transactions
Sometimes attachments are added to a transaction and later they are discovered to contain confidential information. In the past we have been unable to delete them, but it now appears that we can do so, but this has not been tested across the various ...
Worklists - how do I know if I should approve items
If something is sitting in a worklist, anyone with access to the worklist can take it and approve/reject it. If you are the only one that has access to the worklist, then they are all yours. They do not get assigned specifically to an individual.
Budget Document Validation Error- BGE44 BGR45 (Error A2166)
Problem: Received an error stating "The current budget amount must equal the sum of the children current budget amounts" Underlying Issue: The appropriation amount does not equal the group/unit lines in the transaction. What was required on your ...
Year End ITA is rejecting because of the Budget Line
On the ITA - enter a record date of 6/30/2022 and the document will pass edits and validate.
Update email addresses which receive FINET Interface notices
The email addresses which receive confirmation of BASE or other interface files that are uploaded into FINET, are listed in the transmission file generated by the agency and transmitted to FINET. One example is 400GAX20211118133302_BASE.txt, or ...