What is the best way to process a CR that is overpaying an RE?

What is the best way to process a CR that is overpaying an RE?


There are three places to add a collection

  1. Apply the CR to a customer account (FINET will apply it to all receivables first and then to the liability
  2. Receivable (FINET will apply to all lines of the receivable first and then to the liability)
  3. Receivable line (FINET will apply to that line and then to the liability)

The best methods are to apply the entire amount to a customer account or to the RE on one line and FINET automatically applies the difference to a liability. 

If those methods do not work, please handle in this way:

  1. Apply the amount of the RE on one line referencing the RE
  2. Create a new line and use a different account type to hit a liability account

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