Values in the organization fields are not authorized for the current user

Values in the organization fields are not authorized for the current user

If a user has multiple approval roles on their account and the transaction they are trying to approve has multiple concurrent approvals needed, the user will get this error if they try to approve from the transaction document. This is because the transaction document doesn’t know which approval the user is trying to complete at the time.
  1. go to the worklist
  2. select the level you are approving for
  3. it will allow you to approve that transaction without error


    In the worklist you will see this transaction listed three times for the different approvals needed, compared to the “Track Work in Progress”:

    If a user has multiple approval roles like “250 – DHHS Operations” and “250-DHHS Population Health” when working from the document and you click the “Approve” button, it doesn’t know which approval you are trying to complete. However, from the worklist, you can see that each approval condition has it’s own line
    to work from, you click the 3 dot menu on the approval line you want and it completes just fine.

    Also if a user only has the “250- DHHS Operations” approval role, then they can either use the 3 dot menu in the worklist, or click on the “Approve” button on the document because there is only one option for the software to choose.

This will only be evident to a few people, as there are only a few people and transactions that will fall into the category.

(This was an update in the Feature Set upgrade that was implemented in 3/2024)
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