Description and Purpose
When working with pages that have grids, sometimes it is easier to export the data to a spreadsheet which allows easy manipulation of the data to get the desired results. When selecting Export All. FINET allows you to either export the columns in the “Gear” Icon list or to export all available columns from the data source. This includes additional columns that are not in the “Gear” Icon this that may be useful. FINET will export up to 2000 records of search results.
To use Export, you will need to be on a page that has Grid Actions available. (Most tables have Grid Actions.) To Do an Export (Either option):
1. Open the Table in FINET and enter your search criteria. For example, if you wanted to see all commodities that start with a letter J, you would go to the commodity table and search for J* in the name field.
2. Click on Grid Actions
3. At this point you are presented with two options. They are Viewable Columns and Available Columns.
• Selecting Viewable Columns will allow you to export all columns that can be viewed using the Gear, whether displayed or not.
• Selecting Available Columns will allow you to export the Gear columns and additional columns available from the data source.
4. Select the option you desire by clicking on it. Once clicked, FINET will download the export file to the download folder.
5. You can then open the file like you normally would in Excel.