Description and Purpose
Recent changes to the inventory process necessitates changes to the Pick and Issue (PI) printing process. Though primarily the same as in the past, now the PI transaction must be printed prior to the creation of the Confirmation Issue (CI) transaction. If done out of order, the PI will NOT print. This slight change assures that the commodities picked from the PI have had their requested quantities verified to be on hand prior to confirming the request.
ProcessWith the feature set upgrade in FINET, the inventory process has changed. The best way to create Pick and Issue (PI) transactions is now to use the Issue Queue (ISSQ).
This will allow you to create a PI using multiple Stock Requests (SRQs). Once the PI is created, you can also use the ISSQ to create the (CI) transaction to complete the process.
If you are unfamiliar with the process above, it is documented in the Quick Reference Guide, “QRG – Pick and Issue – ISSQ” available in the Finance Support Knowledge base. For now, we need to focus on a change within the process.
In the past one would create the Pick and Issue and then the Confirmation issue, print the PI and once picked, complete the CI.
Now one must actually print the PI prior to creating the CI. Once the CI is created the PI is no longer printable.
Instructions - Printing
When needing to print a Pick and Issue (PI) you must complete the following steps:
1. Locate the Finalized PI in the transaction catalog or following the SRQ in ISSQ.
2. Open the corresponding PI by clicking on its Transaction ID (the blue link).
3. From the Header tab, select the 3-dot menu next to the blue Attachments button and select the option to "Print Pick Plan".
4. Navigate to the FORMS page by going to the 3-dot menu from the top-right corner to click on the Forms option.
You should see the Pending Form.
To print:
1. Click on the 3-dot menu in the upper left and select Print Page (Alternately you can click the 3-dot menu at the end of the line and select View PDF and then print from the PDF)
2. Use the printed PI information to PICK the items from Inventory.
Instructions – Creating the CI
To Create the Confirmation Issue (CI)
1. Once the items are picked, return to the PI.
2. From the top-right 3-dot menu, select Modify to create a modification.
Note: the transaction will be in draft status with a new version number.
3. On the Header tab, enter the Pick Date, Fiscal Year (2024) and current fiscal period, and make no other changes to the transaction.
4. Click Validate to ensure it there are no errors and submit to a Final status.
NOTE: If the request does not validate successfully, contact Finance Support to troubleshoot.
5. Now modified, the Confirmation indicator will change from No to Yes. This then allows the creation of the Confirmation Issue (CI) transaction.
6. Open the CI and complete it as normal.