The FINET Mobile App is used by managers to route transactions to users (or groups of users) for review/approval prior to finalizing the transaction. Only users with the appropriate security can do so using the FINET Mobile App. It is the same instance of the FINET web application and accesses the same data.
Each card displayed in the approvals queue shows the individual item waiting for the user to perform an approval action. Certain primary actions (such as Reject All and Approve) are performed directly on an individual card in the Advantage mobile application.
How to view and approve (or reject) all transactions in your queue:
1. Click the Financial Approvals widget to view a count of all transactions.
The approvals page initially shows all worklist items assigned to you and all worklist items assigned to your worklist role.
2. Once you have clicked on the Financial Approvals widget, there are several options for viewing transactions:
• Filter drop-down arrow (top left) – Click to select a specific worklist role and associated transactions only. You will also see a total count of transactions for that role.
• Scroll up and down – Click and drag the page up or down to view all transaction cards in your queue for any or all workflow roles, depending on what filter you have selected.
• Search-Use the magnifying glass in the top right corner to search for a specific transaction.
Once you have selected a transaction, there are 2 ways to approve transactions in your queue:
• Transaction List – From the initial transaction list the user has the option to click Reject All or Approve each transaction.
• Opening Transaction - Click on the Transaction title (e.g., GAX-430-23000000011) to view more details about the Transaction and see the 2 options for Reject All or Approve.
How to switch between tabs:
Once within a transaction you may switch between different tabs to view different transaction elements. The tab ribbon can be scrolled horizontally to see additional tabs. Selecting a tab shows the information
relating to that tab.
How to take more action on a transaction:
1. The user can select the three-dot menu on any of the transactions from the Transaction List page to add a comment, take a task, or return a task.
2. From within a transaction the user can select the three-dot menu from the top right to add attachments, comment, and reject.