QRG - Accounting templates

QRG - Accounting templates

(A copy of the QRG with screenshots can be found here:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_7FqaDzbk79w6MaGfxRRdicHib51Q68U/view )


Accounting Templates provides the ability to save frequently used coding blocks for use in the creation of subsequent transactions. These templates can be set to populate the designated Chart of Accounts (COA), elements on transactions. This differs from Transaction Templates in the Transaction Catalog that allow you to create a template for creating future transactions,

Authorized users can access the Accounting Template (ACTPL) page to create a template of COA elements with a unique code for identification. When the Accounting Template field is populated on an Accounting Line of a transaction, the coding block infers information onto the defined COA fields.


1. Confirm Page Code is selected in Global Search and enter ACTPL.
2. Select Accounting Template from the search drop-down.
3. In the Search box, enter the search criteria. The asterisk (*) wildcard can be used when searching.
4. Optional- you can configure your search criteria by selecting the gear icon.
5. Click Search to return search results

Search descriptions
1. Recent Searches – Click to view only Pinned or All recent searches.
2. Pin - Click the pin icon to always display that specific card in your recent searches.
3. Show More – Click to see all of the search criteria entered.
4. Recent Searches view options – Click to view only Pinned or All recent search cards.
5. Close – Click to remove the search card from the Recent Searches area

Viewing an Accounting Table
After clicking Search, a list of accounting templates that meet your search criteria displays.

1. On a record, click the 3-dot menu at the right and click View. Users with appropriate security can also Edit, Copy, or Delete the template.
2. Grid Actions – Select results records and click the button to take an action on the selected results.
3. Results Display Count – Click to view 20, 50, or 100 search results per page.
4. Advanced Grid – Click to view the results in Pivot Mode.
5. Freeze Columns – Click a column and then click the icon to freeze all columns before the selected column.
6. Sort Records – Click to sort the results by multiple columns in ascending or descending order.
7. Personalize your columns – Click the gear and choose the columns to display in the grid.

Users with the appropriate security can create an Accounting Template. The following configuration guidelines should be considered when creating the template:
            • The Accounting Template code can be up to 20 characters and must be unique.
            • Codes must be valid on the appropriate reference tables.
            • Codes must have the Active checkbox selected to use it on transactions.
            • The Accounting Template Indicator field must be selected to save the template.
            • Coding element edits do not exist on ACTPL. Any edits to the elements are performed when validating or submitting any transactions that use the template.
            • Accounting Templates can be assigned to users on the Procurement User (USER) table

Creating an Accounting Template

1. Confirm Page Code is selected in Global Search and enter ACTPL.
2. Select Accounting Template from the sarch drop-down.
3. Click the Create button in the upper-right of the page.
4. In the Accounting Template field, enter a unique template ID using your agency naming conventions. This is the code that will be entered in the transaction.
5. In the Name field, enter your chosen Name for the Template.
6. In the Department field, enter your department number.
7. In the Description field, enter a description for the Template.
8. Check the Accounting Template Indicator checkbox.
9. Check the Active checkbox if you want to use the Template on a tranasction.
10. Expand the COA section.
11. Enter COA elements that should be included in the template in the appropriate fields.
12. Click the Save & Close button in the upper right to save the new Template.

Note: You can also copy an Accounting Template using the 3-dot Menu on an existing template. Update specific field values and create a unique code for the new Accounting Template.

Using an Accounting Template
1. Create a transaction that records an accounting event. (for example, a GAX)
2. In the Accounting Template field, enter the template code to infer the defined COA elements into the transaction.
3. Click Validate. The fields in the Accounting Template are populated on the transaction.

Note: The Accounting Template field is typically found in the Accounting tab or the Exchange Details tab, and 2nd Party Accounting tab in the General Information tab on accounting transactions.

4. Accounting transaction – The title of the transaction being created.
5. Accounting tab – The tab where the accounting details are entered on the transaction.
6. Exchange Details (Seller Details) tab – The tab where the seller’s accounting details are entered on the transaction.
7. 2nd Party Accounting tab – The tab where the 2nd party accounting details are entered on the transaction.
8. Expand – Click to view more details for the selected line.

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