I can't process a Fixed Asset Transaction because more than one component is marked as the base asset.

I can't process a Fixed Asset Transaction because more than one component is marked as the base asset.

Due to an unknow issue, FINET has marked multiple components of a single Fixed Asset as the base asset. However, there can be only ONE base asset. This will stop you from being able process FM, FI, FT and FD transactions on the Fixed Asset Number. To correct this issue:

1) Delete all the draft transactions on that fixed asset number.
2) Create an FM,
3) Enter the fixed asset number and auto apply.
4) Go to the component section and DELETE all the lines from the FM transaction that say "base asset - YES" except for one. This does not remove the component from the Fixed Asset, only the FM transaction.
5) On the one remaining component, change the base asset flag to NO.
6) Complete the FM with all required fields entered.
7) Validate
8) Submit
9) Repeat the process (steps 2-8) until ONLY one component line says Base Asset.

Once the above is completed, you should be able to process the FM, FI, FT and FDs as in the past.

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