1. Access the FINET Home page.
2. Click: Your name (my profile) on the top right
3. Click: Account Settings
4. Click: Password Management
5. Enter you current (old) password in the Current Password field.
5. Enter your new password twice, once in the new password field and once in the confirm password field.
6. If done correctly, you will get a message that says "User password was successfully changed"
7. If done incorrectly, you will get a message that says "The password does not meet the criteria" or "Incorrrect Current Password" The usual problems are:
- you have use the password before,
- you have typed in the new password incorrectly on one of the two required fields
- you have not used all of the needed elements for a password. These include: an upper case letter, a lower case letter, a number and one of the approved symbols (@ # $ % . -)
If you have locked yourself out of FINET, notify the Finance Support Center: