FINET Glossary / Acronym Definitions

FINET Glossary / Acronym Definitions

FINET Glossary 

The FINET Glossary of acronyms can be found here:  FINET Glossary

FINET Glossary
*not all of these acronyms will be accessible to all FINET users, based on security role

Acronym Definition
ABA - American Bankers Association-typically represents the routing number of a financial institution-where electronic funds transfers data will be sent
ABS -  Accounting Based Spending
(ADM) DCMTM - Transaction Comment Management
ACAT - Activity Category
ACCA - Automated Accrual
ACD - Accrual Disallowance
ACFR - Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
ACL - Manual Accrual Clearing
ACLA - Automated Accrual Clearing
ACLS - Activity Class
ACTPL - Accounting Table
ACTPR - Accounting Profile-useful when an expense or revenue transaction for a specific department would always be split across multiple accounting templates
ACTV - Activity
ACTVREQ - Unit/Activity Requirement
AD - Automated Disbursement
AETDC - Allowable Event Types by Transaction Code-controls which event types are allowed for a transaction code
AETDT - Allowable Event Types by Transaction Type-controls which event types are allowed for a transaction type
ALRT - Alert
APCAT - Appropriation Category
APCLS - Appropriation Class
APD - Accounting Period-assigned a fiscal year, a quarter and an end date synonymous with a calendar month
APDDEPT - Accounting Period by Department-provides the ability to soft close the accounting period for an individual department
APDFD - Accounting Period by Fund-provides the ability to soft close the accounting period for an individual fund, before the accounting period is closed to all funds
APEVXW - AP Event Type Crosswalk-used to infer event types on automatic and manual disbursement transactions
APGRP - Appropriation Group
APPR - Appropriation-generally used by state of local government entity to track and control the expenditure of funds
APPCTRL - Application Parameter
APTYP - Appropriation Type
AWR - Automated Warrant Reconciliation-support warrant accounting and used update the check reconciliation table

B1 - Bucket ID for Adopted Budget
B301 - Bucket ID for Sum of Adopted Budgets
BAFO - Best and Final Offer-second stage of the bid process-time when respondents to provide their best and final offer for the solicitation
BAS - Balance Sheet Account-used in dual entry accounting to record assets, contra assets, liabilities, and equity accounts or fund balances.
BCADM - Budget Control Administration-where budget controls are configured
BFY - Budget Fiscal Year-generally represents the fiscal year. May start before the first day of the fiscal year and may continue after the last day of the fiscal year
BGAA - Budget Appropriation & Allotment
BGE44 - Budget Expense
BGPDR - Reimbursable Grant Budget-facilitates recording and tracking reimbursable grant related data
BGPE - Program Expense Budget-facilitates recording and tracking of Programs
BGPHE - Program Phase Expense Budget-facilitates recording and tracking of phase of a project
BGPHR - Phase Reimbursable Budget-facilitates recording the tracking reimbursable phases of a project
BGR45 - Revenue Budget
BIEVNT - Batch Interface Event-specifies information required to run batch jobs
BPRO - Billing Profile-identifies how the customer is being billed (invoice, statement both or neither)
BSA - Balance Sheet Account-used to maintain the balance sheet accounts necessary for control and reporting
BSCL - Balance Sheet Class
BSCT - Balance Sheet Category
BSG - Balance Sheet Group
BST - Balance Sheet Type
BTBC - Business Type by Commodity
BTYP - Business Type -identifies characteristics about a vendor
BUDCON - Budget Control-where the various controls being used are turned on and configured for whether errors should be issued system wide or at the low levels of budget level, fund, and line control
BUDFCON - Budget Fund Control-used to configure exceptions to the budget controls for a fund
BUDLCON Budget Level Control-used to set budget level controls
BUDST - Budget Structure-framework of a budget determining the type of budget:  expense, revenue, expense and revenue, or reimbursable
BUDTAM - Budget Tracking Amounts-where Bucket IDs are identified
BURE - Bureau-optional decentralized organizational element of Government
BUYR - Buyer-set-up users responsible for the procurement of goods or services

C - Credit
CA - Cost Allowance
CAB - Cabinet
CACT - Customer Account Options-establishes valid combinations of customer numbers and billing profiles
CAFG - ACFR Fund Group
CAFT - ACFR Fund Type
CAP - Cost Allocation Protected
CAS - Cash Accounting Setup
CATQ - Catalog Summary Inquiry
CBCT - Coding Block Mass Change
CCM - Customer Change/Modification--used to modify a customer record
CEC - Commodity Encumbrance Correction
CH - Charge
CHREC - Check Reconciliation
CI - Confirmation of Issue
CLDT - Calendar Date
CMJBG - Major ACFR BSA Group-could be configured as cash and cash equivalents
CMJET - Major ACFR Expense Type
CMJRT - Major ACFR Revenue Type-could be configured as revenues and other sources
CMNBG - Minor ACFR BSA Group
CMNET - Minor ACFR Expense Type-could be configured as cash
CMNRT - Minor ACFR Revenue Type-could be configured as taxes
COA - Chart of Accounts-provide a structure of codes that are used for tracking financial activity, payroll activity, budget activity, and reporting
COLL - Collection Letter
COLLC - Collection Letter Control-maintains the collection letter text, name, and co and identifies the Department and Unit they are associated with.
COMM - Commodity Table
COMM - Commodity-set-up and maintain goods and service commodity codes
CR - Cash Receipt-serves to enter accounting events that record all monies collected, including collections against outstanding receivables, customer accounts, and cash basis collections with no transaction or                   customer account reference
CT - Contract
CUSTA - Customer Account Information-provides view and query access to custom balance and credit history information
CUSTS - Customer Information
CVL - Coded Value List
CWA - Check Writing Accounting
CWWRA - Check Writer Warrant Reconciliation Auto
CWWRM - Check Writer Warrant Reconciliation Manual
CY - Calendar Year-January 1-December 31

D - Debit
DA - Debt Accounting
DBA - Doing Business As
DC - Disbursement Reclassification-cancels checks, warrants, or EFTs
DCTRL - Transaction Control
DCXWLK - Disbursement Reclassification Event Type Crosswalk
DCTRL - Transaction Control
DEPT - Department-defines valid department codes for a specific fiscal year.
DEPTFY - Department Fiscal Year-defines controls and settings that can vary by Fiscal Year
DHIST - Transaction History
DISBDQ - Disbursement Detail Query
DISBM - Disbursement Request Management-allows a user to make mass updates payment request records
DISBMD - Disbursement Management/Request by Transaction
DISBQ - Disbursement Query
DISC - Disbursement Category
DISCPA - Disbursement Cancellation Process-compares transactions on the Disbursement Report with records on the intercept request
DISF - Disbursement Format
DISP - Disbursement Priority
DISRQ - Disbursement Request
DIST - District-decentralized organizational element of Government
DIV - Division-optional decentralized organizational element of Government
DNGM - Dunning Message-maintains the message text, name, and code and identifies the Department and Unit they are associated with
DO - Delivery Order
DOBJ - Department Object-used to configure department object, and its associate rollups, to further classify expenditures by department
DRM - Disbursement Request Modification-allows certain fields on the Disbursement Request to be modified after the payment request has been submitted to final
DRSRC - Department Revenue Source
DTYP - Transaction Type

EAN - External Account Number
ECAT - Event Category-provides groupings for similar event types
EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
EIP - Eligible for Intercept Process-indicates the revenue source is one available intercept a payment when that revenue source is entered on a receivable accounting line for billed revenue
ELCID - Elective Charge
EOQ - Economic Order Quantity
ERQ - Event Requirements-contains system-wide setting switch controls when the certain data is required, prohibited, or optional when an event type is use
ETDFLT - Event Type Defaults-controls the event type defaulted on referenced transactions based on the event type on the initial transaction for specific transaction types
ETYP - Event Type-defines valid accounting and budgeting events
EV - Evaluation Transaction-consolidates all responses to the solicitation in on transaction to easily review all vendor response information

FA - Fixed Asset
FAHIST - Fixed Asset History
FAPR - Fixed Asset Payment Request
FAR - Fixed Asset Registry
FARACTG - Fixed Asset Registry Accounting
FARCOMP - Fixed Asset Registry Component
FARHDR - Fixed Asset Registry Header-contains all information entered in the header section of the FA Transaction
FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board-sites whether the revenue source is unrestricted, temporarily restricted, or permanently restricted
FC - Cancel Fixed Asset
FCAT - Fund Category
FCLS - Fund Class
FD - Fixed Asset Disposal
FEDR - Asset purchased with Fed funds
FGRP - Fund Group
FHWA - Federal Highway Administration-revenue credit indicates the revenue source is available to be used as a revenue credit on a charge transaction
FI - Fixed Asset Increase/Decrease
FIFO - First In First Out-used to determine how retainage will be forfeited
(FIN) DCMTM - Transaction Comment Management
FIN DCUPTEM - Transaction Upload Template
FM - Fixed Asset Modification
FNCHG - Finance Charge-used to define the characteristics of fees used in the finance charge process
FNCLS - Function Class
FT - Inter Department Transfer
FT - Fixed Asset Transfer
FTYP - Fund Type
FUNC - Function
FUNCAT - Function Category
FUNCREQ - Unit/Function Requirement
FUND - Fund
FY - Fiscal Year-A 12-month period. Typically July-June or October-September-can be used to soft or hard close the fiscal year.
FYFD - Fund Year by Fund-provides configuration to be able to soft close the fiscal year for a specific fund before the fiscal year is closed to all funds
FYDEPT - Fund Year by Department-provides the flexibility of a way to do a soft close on a fiscal year for an individual department before the fiscal year is close to all departments

GAE - General Accounting Encumbrance
GAEC - General Accounting Encumbrance Correction
GASB - Governmental Accounting Standards Board
GAX - General Accounting Expense
GFO - Grand Funding Opportunity
GMA - General Master Agreement Expense
GOPB - Governor's Office of Planning & Budget
GOVBR - Government Branch
GR - General Routing-used to route various requests for review and approval an often contains one or more attachments
GRP - Group-optional decentralized organizational element of Government

HQACCT - Vendor Headquarters Account

IA - Inventory Adjustment-used to adjust unit cost of an item or adjust the quantity on hand
IC - Inventory Correction
ICOMMX - Internal Commodity Crosswalk
ICT - Internal Cost Transaction
IDT - Internal Department Transaction
IET - Internal Exchange Transaction
IN - Invoice
INSRCH - Invoice Search
INTAQ - Intercept Activity for Check Writer
INTAQ - Intercept Activity for Check Writer
INTDBEX - Disbursement Intercept Exception
INTEA - Intercept External Allocation
INTEC - Intercept Export Control
INTF - Intercept Fee
INTR - Intercept Request
INVHS - Invoice Print History
INVN - Inventory Maintenance
INVNQ - Inventory Inquiry
INVNU - Inventory History Usage and Forecast Maintenance
INVQ - Invoice
IOPT - Intercept Options
IRC - Interface Request Configuration-configures interface requests for a specific department, unit, and transaction code ISSQ Issue Queue-where you go to search for SRQ or TRQ to find the CI
ITA - Internal Transfer Agreement
ITI - Internal Transactions Initiator
JACTG - Accounting Journal
JBUD - Budget Journal
JOBUPD - Job Updater-used to set up data to the Job Parameter Updater
JOBUPDPV - Job Updater Parameter-used to set up values for job parameters and other reference table column updates
JLCTRL - Journal Ledger Control Detail-used to configure the ledgers
JV - Journal Vouchers (standard)-data entry where an event is required to cont posting code entry. Includes a header/line group, accounting line
JVA - Advanced Journal Voucher-data entry where an event type is not required control posting code entry
JVC - Cost Accounting Journal Voucher-used by the Division of Finance and by the departments that have been granted approval from the Division of Finance to make limited allocations and corrections to cost                   accounting information
JVDP - Department Journal Voucher-used by departments to adjust, allocations, Departments may use the IDT instead of the JVDP for internal transfers since it is easier to complete
JVO - Dept Cash Posting Journal Voucher- used by the Division of Finance and by departments that have been granted approval from the Division of Finance to make limited entries that move cash
JVYE - Year End Accrual Journal Voucher-used by departments and the Division of Finance to record fiscal year end accruals and deferrals. This Transaction an automatic reversal function


LBFYACTG - Accounting Ledger-BFY
LDPR - Labor Distribution Profile
LINQ - Lifecycle Inquiry
LOC - Location
LTR - Letter

MA - Master Agreement-used to set prices, terms and conditions for future purchases of itemized foods or services from a vendor at a negotiated price
MANG - Manager-defines and maintains a list of workload managers-they view and manage procurements assigned to buyers
MATA - Matching Status
MD - Manual Disbursement
MDDFEV - Manual Disbursement Default Event Type-ensures the single default performs the appropriate disbursement option
MESG - Message Page-where message codes can be viewed
MJPGRP - Major Program Group
MJPRG - Major Program
MJPTP - Major Program Type
MRT - Memory Resident

NGIP - National Institute of Governmental Purchasing-standardized commodity codes
NSF - Non Sufficient Funds

OBJ - Object-element used to track the expenditure of funds in order to meet both external and internal reporting requirements for the government entity
OC - Over the Counter
OCAT - Object Category
OCLS - Object Class
OGRP - Object Group
OSDC - Office of State Debt Collection
OTYP - Object Type

PBIET - Purchasing Card Allocation-breaking down of purchases on state assigned credit cards
PCard - Procurement Card
PD - Decentralized Purchase Order
PDCHK - Paid Check
PDCHKRES - Paid Check Restore
PERCRIT - Vendor Performance Evaluation Criteria
PGRP - Program Group
PHASE - Phase
PHPRG - Program Phase
PHLDTIN - Payment Hold by TIN
PHM - Payment Hold Maintenance
PI - Pick and Issue-pick items from shelves
PO - Centralized Purchase Order through purchasing
PPC - Program Period-establishes the funding years of the external funding source
PRC - Commodity-based Payment Request
PRCUID - Procure Management-allows a user to search for a procurement folder
PRCUTYP - Procurement Type-is for establishing and maintaining types of procurements allowed in the application
PRDOC - Procurement Transaction Control-where options and required field are set for each procurement transaction
PREXP - Payroll Expenditure
PRM - Payment Request
PROG - Program Setup
PROGREQ - Unit/Program Requirement
PSCD - Posting Code-defines posting codes and their associated rules to FINET. For each posting code, the table identifies rules for:
            ● Inferring certain chart of account elements
            ● Updating application tables
            ● Posting journal updates
PTYP - Program Type
PYMTQ - Payment Query


RA - Reverse Auction
RC - Receiver
RCSRCH - Receiver Search
RDET -Receivable History and Reference Query-list of receivables and transaction that reference a given receivable
RE - Receivable (earned revenue, but received later)
RESTA - Receivable Search-allows users to view and query receivables by entering various selection criteria such as status, department, and number of days past due
RFB - Request for Bids
RFI - Request for Information
RFP - Request for Proposals
RFQ - Request for Quotes
RPT - Reporting Code
RQHISTL - Requisition History
RQHISTM - My Request
RQM - Request a Contract
RQRPTBYO - Require Reporting by Object-used by a department to enforce or prohibiting the entry of reporting code for certain objects to collect additional programmatic information
RQS - Standard Requisition-a formal request for goods or services
RSCAT - Revenue Source Category
RSCLS - Revenue Source Class
RSGRP - Revenue Source Group
RSTYP - Revenue Source Type
RTGFC - Retainage Fund Control-establish retainage forfeiture rules on a specific fund for any given fiscal year

SBSA - Sub Balance Sheet Account-used to further classify the financial activity within a given balance sheet account
SC - Service Contract
SCACDEF - Transaction Custom Action Definition
SEC - Section-optional decentralized organizational element of Government
SFUND - Sub-Fund
SHOP - Shopper
SLOC - Sub Location
SMU - System Maintenance Utility
SOBJ - Sub Object
SOPT - System Options-provide a set of options and controls to guide accounting activities for the different functional areas 
SPEC - Special Accounts-supplies the majority of default accounts for transaction processing-used to establish default accounts that should infer into transactions as they are processed
SPECFUND - Special Accounts Fund-used when default accounts should vary by individual account
SPL - Surplus
SR - Solicitation Response-used by a buy to manually enter a vendor’s response to a solicitation
SRPT - Sub Reporting
SRQ - Stock Request (issue stock with backorder)
SRSRC - Sub Revenue Source-used to further classify the financial activity within a given revenue source
STASK- Sub Task
STATD - Statement Detail
STATE - Assets purchased using state funds
STMTQ - Statement
SUNIT - Sub Unit-allows you to define sub units
SURP - Surplus Fixed assets

TASK - Task Code
TASKORD - Task Order
TAXPRFL - Tax Template
TBAL - Trial Balance Inquiry
TI - Stock Transfer Issue
TI - Stock Transfer Issue/Stock Transfer Receipt
TINC - Type of Income-defines the valid values for an Income Type and Form Type used in the 1099 reporting process.
TR - Stock Transfer Receipt
TRC - Stock Transfer Confirmation
TRQ- Stock Transfer Request (stock transfer backorder)

UNIT - Unit
UNSPSC - United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
UR - Universal Requestor
USER - Procurement User-set-up access to procurement functionality
UTC - Use Tax Collection-indicates whether Use Tax needs to be collected for a revenue source during the period from billing to receipt of cash

VABA - Vendor ABA-establishes the banking institutions where Electronic Funds Transfer data will be sent
VCC - Vendor Change/Creation-formerly Vendor/Customer Creation-used to create a customer record
VCM - Vendor Change/Modification
VCM - Vender Change/Modification
VCMQ - Vendor Customer Maintenance Query
VCMT Vendor Customer Maintenance Tracking
VCNFG - Vendor Customer Configuration-used to establish application wide setting for creating vendors and customers
VCUST - Vendor/Customer-used to store and maintain the primary information about a vendor or customer
VIR - Vendor Invoice Registry
VPAY - Vendor Payment History
VSS - Vendor Self Service
VTH - Vendor Transaction History
VUPROG - Valid Unit/Program Combination

WHSE - Warehouse
WO - Write Off
WR - Warrant Reconciliation-reclassifies warrant payment to cash

XPO - Express Purchase Order



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