Recording an RE for an NSF check
Here is the proper procedure for recording an RE for an NSF check:
- Enter one or more accounting lines that total the amount of the dishonored check under your agency's desired accounting string(s).
- Enter a separate accounting line for a $20.00 NSF service charge under: Fund 2105, department 150, unit 5021, appropriation unit 2105, revenue 2971.
- (Optional) If your agency has already sent a letter to the debtor informing them of the dishonored payment, and more than 15 days have passed without payment, you may enter an additional accounting line for a $35.00 NSF collection fee under: Fund 2105, department 150, unit 5021, appropriation unit 2105, revenue 2969.
- If the RE needs to be referred to OSDC and if your agency has not already sent an NSF notice letter to the debtor, use accounting line reason code OSDC-LTR. If your agency has already sent the NSF notice and the debt remains unpaid, use reason code OSDC-NSF.
Please feel free to reach out to Paul Bowers with any questions you may have. Thank you!
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