Create a CEC

Create a CEC



In order to correct an encumbrance liquidated from a PO, PD, or DO document, you will use the CEC (Commodity Encumbrance Correction) document. If the purchase order was incorrectly closed with an open remaining balance you can reopen the purchase order by putting 0 (zero) in the unit cost and quantity fields or the contract amount field and using the Reference Type of Inverse.


Steps to Create a CEC Document

1.    Find the original purchase order (PO, PD, or DO) on the Document Catalog

2.    Open the original purchase order

3.    Select Copy Forward to create a new CEC

4.    Validate: Results: FINET brings forward the vendor and commodity information

5.    Add required information:

    1. Accounting

1.    Insert New Line

·         Reference

o                       Ref Accounting Line

6.    Validate

7.    Add remaining required information

 .      Accounting

·         General Information

o                  Event Type: Change to desired event type, if necessary. (Defaults to PR20)

·         Reference Type

o                  Select Final to close an open encumbrance line

o                  Select Inverse to reverse a closed encumbrance line

8.    Validate.

9.    Submit.

Click here to watch the creation of a CEC Document.

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