QRG - Inventory Freeze and Inventory History

QRG - Inventory Freeze and Inventory History

Description and Purpose
  1. To assure accuracy, Inventories are periodically frozen in FINET to allow physical counts of the items in the warehouses.  Currently, those with Inventory have selected to freeze entire warehouses to perform the count. However, it is also possible to freeze subsets of the warehouse if necessary to count specific items without taking the whole warehouse offline.
  2. Regardless of full or sectional freeze, there are two pages that will assist with the freeze process/understanding. They are the INVF (Inventory Freeze) and the new INVFH (Inventory Freeze History).
  1. INVF is where the hand counts are entered if a discrepancy if found during a freeze. Then, the warehouse will be unfrozen with a reconciliation posting. A report is then run that would show what was changed.
  2. With the new INVFH all the information found in the report and more is available right in FINET.
  3. Each individual freeze will have an Event ID assigned to it when the batch job is run to freeze the warehouse (section). So, when you are looking at the history of a warehouse you will see multiple event types. Just know that each event type is an individual freeze of that warehouse or subset of the warehouse.
  4. The Inventory Freeze History page, INVFH, provide a number of options you can use for search criteria, but the most common one would be the Warehouse.
  5. By searching by warehouse you can see all Wall-to-wall freezes (full warehouse) and any subsection freezes, if any.
  6. In the upper left corner of the search results you will see the number of recorded event types (that matched your search criteria) for the warehouse.
  7. Below that you will see each event type and you can expand the line to see additional information if you have not selected to show them all through the gear.
  8. The important fields that default on the line are:
    1. Event Type
    2. Warehouse
    3. Location Structure
    4. Inventory Location
    5. Stock Item
    6. Stock Item Suffix 
On the right side of each line is a VIEW button.  Selecting this will open the line so you can see all the details.

The Inventory Freeze History will record changes, so there must be an actual count entered through and Inventory Adjustment (IA) transaction.

When the freeze is removed through reconciliation posting, the INVF table records will disappear. However, they will not appear on the INFHV until the IA transaction is FINAL.

The details also include a Clickable link to the IA so you can see the creating transaction.

Finally, from the results grid, you can Export all the search results into an Excel spreadsheet. Here you can download all Viewable columns or all Available columns. All available will provide much more information about each individual transaction. Downloading the data will give you a greater ability to manipulate the data to find what you are looking for.

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